Shaktipat Initiation is in the tradition of the Siddha Sastra. Shaktipat is a transfer of energy or prana or chi. It is given in degrees of intensity, depanding on each students ability to hold light within thair chakras. It may be given through a touch on the crown (sahasrara chakra), 3rd eye (ajna chakra), heart (anahata chakra) or through eye contact and even through dreams or visions on the etheric plane. This is how it is given at a physical distance. Shaktipat is a transforming, healing light of the Divine Spirit which is given directly through the Guru to the student or devotee. The purpose of the Shaktipat is to uplift the disciple to a more awakened spiritual state. A few decades ago, I received my shaktipat from my Guru (Luang Pu Suang - the 500 years old Siddha) where I carried on his lineage up to this day.
The ancient tradition in the Sanatana Dharma for the Shaktipat initiation is called Diksa in Hinduism. It is a transfer of energy ("Prana" in Sanskirt and "Chi" in Chinese from the Guru to the disciple for the way of remembrance of the inner true Self in this world of delusion.
Spiritual awakening or Shaktipat is an important part of the mystical journey. This transfer of Prana (Chi) from the spiritual power is called Kundalini Shakti. Shakti is described by the yogic texts as an initiation that activates an inner unfolding of awareness that leads to progressively higher states of consciousness.
Through the Seeker's persistence and practice, the sense of separation from the Divine within drops away. God/Goddess is witnessed in the inner Self, in others and in all life. This world becomes a play of the Universal's energy.
Sanatana Dharma; the ancient tradition of the Forests' Masters is referred to as Siddha Sastra and involves a daily life practice. Yogic training and direct initiation from a Living Guru is necessary for most students to advance on the spiritual path quickly. The Shaktipat initiation brings peace and bliss for the student. The Guru continues to guide them through the more advanced stages of the practice. The goal is Self-Realization (Nibbana) with the Cosmic.
The student practices Yogic disciplines and also studies various subjects such as: Siddha Meditation, Sacred Chants, Kartha/Mantra, Yantra, Sacred Symbols,Art, Wicha (Sacred Magic), Saiyasart (Occult Science) and Dream Interpretation. The student practices meditation-in-action during daily activities to focus on the heart, head and hand on the Divine Guru. The student studies spiritual scripture to gain knowledge. The student experiences purification of the sacred energies in the 7 chakras. The student develops an intense devotion to the Guru.
Through the dispensation of light and grace from Deva (God/Goddess) and the lineage of the Guru, it is a great opportunity to receive direct initiation through a Personal Guru in physical embodiment. The Guru is able to assist the student with their spiritual progress with proper instruction, initiation and holding back their karma until they are able to attained Self- Realization (Nibbana). The Guru may take on a certain portion of the student's karma. The Guru may take on the world karma for the healing of the planet (mother earth).
The student's true Self is reflected like a mirror in the Guru. In this way, spiritual progress and rapid enlightenment (nibbana) unfolds for the student. The living Shaktipat Guru's presence awakens the Student's Shakti Energy (Kundalini Serpent Power) in the base of their spine (muladhara chakra) and keeps it active and progressing upwards towards the Shiva energy located at the top/crown of their head (Sahasrara Chakra).
After the student has received the Skatipat initiation from a Living Shaktipat Guru he/she should maintain a close relationship with the Shaktipat Guru in order to spiritually progress quickly and maintain balance. The student should continue practicing the sacred instructions as taught by the Guru where spontaneous unblocking will occur in the flow of energy; vital force (prana/chi) in the subtle nerve channels (nadis) and the wheels of energy (chakras).
The student/disciple will experience healing in the mind and body and have more energy. The student will experience the opening of the third eye (Ajna Chakra) and enter into deep states of bliss and tranquility in meditation. The student must continue practicing the sacred techniques and meditation. Through the student's own effort and devotion to the Guru together to the Deva (God/Goddess), Self-Realization is experienced. The Shatipat Guru Path of devotion to Deva (God/Goddess) is the fastest way to attained Nibbana (in Pali) Englightenment.
The Guru is one with the Deva (God/Goddess) and reflects the will of God/Goddess for the student. From the Siddha Sastra's "Sharp as razors edge and difficult to tread is the path to Self-Realization" Upholding the teachings of the Guru will lead you to Enlightenment (Nibbana in Pali), in Hindu is called "Moksa"
Shaktipat Initiation is received through gentle touch to the crown chakra and the 3rd Eye; increasing the Prana (Chi) in spine which heats up and activates the Shakti Kundalini energy at the base of the spine. The initiation is effective in opening of the 3rd Eye for an increase in Intuition, Clairavoyance and inner focusing on the Spiritual Eye. Shaktipat assists in raising the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine. Shatipat assits in healing blockages in the chakras.
Kundalini can also be awakened even through the power of previous incarnations; Samskaras and Vasanas. There can be a spontaneous awakening of the Kundalini, though it is rare. It's helpful to discuss the experience with the Guru in order to have a better understanding of it. The Guru will provide the student with personal guidance in how to remain balanced and benefit from the experience.
Until the student has progressed significantly, the Kundalini energy will remain dormant, coiled at the base of the spine. The Awakening of the Kundalini is the outcome of attaining a state of very high purity in One's Life and a deep realization of the Inner True Self. Kundalini awakening has occured throughout history for people regardless of their religion or race . Depending on the people's previous incarnations and devotion, the Awakening of the Kundalini is accroding to the Grace of the Guru and through the Grace of Deva (God/Goddess).